
Has Social Media Ruined Bodybuilding?

Q: Have platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube popularized bodybuilding or ruined it? A: The social media revolution has transformed the world, for both better and worse. People of different countries, cultures and languages are more interconnected than ever before. For those with a passion for bodybuilding, social media allows for the exchange of information…

Drug Talk: PEDs or PIEDs?

Drug Talk: PEDs or PIEDs?

The term “Performance-Enhancing Drugs” (“PEDs”) has typically been used to describe a variety of different substances, such as anabolic steroids, human growth hormone, stimulants and beta blockers, that provide an advantage in competitive sports. Sports anti-doping organizations like the U.S. Antidoping Agency use the term PEDs in discussing banned substances.[1] Most sports journalist have adopted…

The Proposed SARMs Control Act

The Proposed SARMs Control Act

Q: What’s up with the new bill in Congress that would ban SARMs?   A: If you have ever used Ostarine or any other Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM), either purchased as what’s claimed to be a “research chemical” or a “dietary supplement,” you should be aware that a Congressional bill was introduced last year…