
“Legal Muscle” Supplement Online

Legal Muscle Supplement By Rick Collins, J.D. [(C) 2006, 2008 by Rick Collins, J.D., and Legal Muscle Publishing, Inc., All rights reserved.] When the original edition of Legal Muscle: Anabolics in America was published in late 2002, the topic of anabolic steroids was below the radar screen of the average American. Things are very different…


Maximum Steroid Trafficking Sentences to Double

Congress has unanimously passed a bill (H.R. 6353, S. 980) to place strict controls on Internet pharmacies. Sponsored by Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008 is named for Ryan Haight, who died at 18 of a drug overdose in 2001 after he…


New Steroid Feature Documentary

A new feature film documentary will be premiered at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival.  Writer/director Chris Bell and writer/director Alex Buono have crafted a film entitled “Bigger, Stronger, Faster*” that examines the issue of steroids in American society from virtually every angle.  It’s already been cited by one entertainment website as one of the “top ten…


Surprising New Steroid Study

Contrary to popular belief, the typical anabolic steroid user may be more like an “Average Joe” than a professional athlete or competitive teenager, according to the largest Internet survey of steroid users ever conducted.  The survey suggests that the typical steroid user is a well-educated 30-year-old male who does not compete in sports and who did not start…


The Chris Benoit Tragedy

The terrible, heart-wrenching tragedy of wrestler Chris Benoit and his wife and son has prompted many media sources to quickly blame steroids as the direct cause. Before jumping on that band wagon, read an alternative point of view from Jack Darkes, PhD, an Assistant Professor and Associate Scholar of the Department of Psychology at the…


Testosterone Therapy Health Risks Debated

“The use of testosterone-replacement therapy (TRT) to treat symptoms of ‘male menopause,’ a rapidly growing field of research and an increasingly common clinical concern…” is examined in Canada’s National Review of Medicine. The article suggests that fears of heart or prostate dangers are largely unfounded. Read the article here.


Testosterone Therapy May be Safe for Prostate

Millions of prescriptions for testosterone have been written these past few years (over 1.8 million in 2002 alone, according to industry estimates), but critics of testosterone replacement therapy have long pointed to an alleged risk of prostate cancer. That concern is unsupported by a small new study which is garnering mainstream media attention.


Rick Collins and Successful BALCO Defense

Patrick Arnold, the brilliant chemist and supplement guru at the root of the BALCO case, was sentenced to three months in a minimum security facility for his role in creating and distributing undetectable steroidal substances. In his sentencing memo on behalf of his client, Rick Collins wrote: “In assessing the various key players in the…


Human Growth Hormone Controversy

Recent revelations connecting former or current MLB players, including Jason Grimsley, David Segui and others, to the use of human growth hormone (HGH) have catapulted this hormone into the headlines. However, recent news stories have misstated or distorted the legal points. An ABC News reporter stated, “HGH is only approved for people with dwarfism and…