Dumpster Diving for Evidence?

Dumpster Diving for Evidence?

Q: Are the police legally allowed to sift through the trash that you left on the street? Can they use whatever they find as evidence against you? A: Oddly enough, if the police want to get dirty, they generally can. You may be asking yourself, could that really be worth it for them? What person…

When Do I Get Arrested for Steroids?

When Do I Get Arrested for Steroids?

What You Need to Know About Anabolic Steroid Search Warrants, Arrests, and Your Rights. Many of my steroid trafficking clients get woken up by federal agents who descend on their residence to execute a search warrant. The information that led to the signing of the warrant varies from case to case. Sometimes it came from…

How Anabolic Steroids Became Controlled Substances

How Anabolic Steroids Became Controlled Substances

Q:   Why is possession of steroids a crime like possessing cocaine and heroin? A:   Once upon a time, in the mid-1980’s, media reports claiming the increasing abuse of anabolic steroids in professional and high school sports came to the attention of Congress. Between 1988 and 1990, Congressional hearings were held to determine whether the Controlled…


Has Social Media Ruined Bodybuilding?

Q: Have platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube popularized bodybuilding or ruined it? A: The social media revolution has transformed the world, for both better and worse. People of different countries, cultures and languages are more interconnected than ever before. For those with a passion for bodybuilding, social media allows for the exchange of information…

Drug Talk: PEDs or PIEDs?

Drug Talk: PEDs or PIEDs?

The term “Performance-Enhancing Drugs” (“PEDs”) has typically been used to describe a variety of different substances, such as anabolic steroids, human growth hormone, stimulants and beta blockers, that provide an advantage in competitive sports. Sports anti-doping organizations like the U.S. Antidoping Agency use the term PEDs in discussing banned substances.[1] Most sports journalist have adopted…

The Proposed SARMs Control Act

The Proposed SARMs Control Act

Q: What’s up with the new bill in Congress that would ban SARMs?   A: If you have ever used Ostarine or any other Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM), either purchased as what’s claimed to be a “research chemical” or a “dietary supplement,” you should be aware that a Congressional bill was introduced last year…


Prohormones 2018: A DASCA Refresher

As most of you remember, in December of 2014 then-President Barack Obama signed the Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2014 (DASCA). The DASCA replaced two prior versions of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act (ASCA) that were passed in 1990 and 2004, respectively. Congress intended the DASCA to erase the distinction between the substances once…


Federal Sentencing: Hard Time for Hardbodies?

Federal sentences are tied to the United States Sentencing Guidelines. There’s a chart with “Offense Level” on one axis and “Criminal History Category” on the other. Judges must look at the guidelines in sentencing an offender. In drug cases, the Offense Level is largely driven by the number of drug “units.” One steroid unit is…


CGMB Heads to The 2018 Arnold Sports Festival

Rick Collins to Present at the Arnold Performance Education Forum on March 2nd CGMB will once again be playing an active role as sponsors and attendees at the upcoming Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, Ohio from March 1st through March 4th – which this year is celebrating its 30th anniversary and which has grown into…

SWIS 2016 Features Dorian, Kaz and Ben Johnson

SWIS 2016 Features Dorian, Kaz and Ben Johnson

Q:   I saw on Facebook that you spoke at SWIS 2016. Any highlights to share? A:   SWIS stands for the Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists, founded by chiropractor/powerlifter Dr. Ken Kinakin. Dr. Ken periodically hosts an amazing 3-day conference outside Toronto, Canada, that brings together hundreds of bodybuilders, powerlifters, nutritionists, trainers, coaches, and injury therapists…